Eye care
Eye examinations
Different eye tests depending on your needs.
In these type of tests we measure both monocular and binocular visual acuity. By means of subjective examination, we establish the best prescription for the patient.
It lasts approximately 15 minutes.
It lasts approximately 15 minutes.
It is recommended in first visits and for patients that have not had their eyes tested for more than two years.
The same tests are performed as in the basic refraction, and also the intraocular pressure is measured and the following additional tests are performed:
This type of test lasts 30 minutes and the patient receives a complete report.
The same tests are performed as in the basic refraction, and also the intraocular pressure is measured and the following additional tests are performed:
This type of test lasts 30 minutes and the patient receives a complete report.
Assessment of the process by which the brain combines the information received by both eyes separately into a single image.
Assessment of whether or not there is depth or 3D vision at a distance. This ability has an influence on the ability of calculating where the objects are in the space in order to move safely and with efficiency.
Assessment of whether or not there is depth or 3D vision at close range. An alteration of this could affect, among other things, reading performance.
The aim of this test is to find out if there is any functional alteration in the macula, the most sensitive area of the retina.
This test aims to assess the existence of hereditary colour vision problems. An altered result may indicate some degree of colour blindness.
Observation using the slit lamp of the condition of the outermost structures of the eye: cornea, tear, eyelids, eyelashes, lacrimal points, annexed glands. A change in the transparency of the ocular media may lead to a decrease in visual acuity.
Assessment of pupillary response to light stimuli. Pupils should be round, both the same and reactives to light.
This type of examination is recommended for people who are suspected of having binocular dysfunction, strabismic or non strabismic.
Apart from the described tests in the complete eye examination, other assessment is carried out in order to know which is the EFFICIENCY OF THE VISUAL SYSTEM.
This type of test lasts 60 minutes and the patient receives a report.
Apart from the described tests in the complete eye examination, other assessment is carried out in order to know which is the EFFICIENCY OF THE VISUAL SYSTEM.
In addition to assessing phorias, presence of latent or manifest deviation of the visual axes, the ability to use convergence and the tonicity of it are measured. Significant deviation together with low tonicity may cause a greater effort to align the eyes and process visual information correctly.
These are the skills used to understand the directional concepts that the external visual space organises. Having difficulties in the visuospatial integration can have an influence in the ability to recognising right and left, reversing letters and/or numbers, getting directions confused, etc. In order to have a good visuospatial skill it is necessary to have a good bilateral integration and a lateral dominance defined. Difficulty in childbirth or child development, psychomotor disturbances, amblyopia, binocularity problems or stress may interfere with the development of laterality and directionality.
The sensory-motor process for the definition of visual preference is assessed.